
Protect your company vehicles from theft

18 January 2016

It's one of the biggest issues you must face when buying a car - how to protect it from thieves. It's a legitimate concern as well, as Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show that in 2013-14, 54,000 Australian households reported the theft of a vehicle, while almost 260,000 reported theft of property from inside their car.

Given these troubling statistics, consider the risks to a business which may have a whole fleet. Whether you have just one company vehicle or multiple cars and trucks, it's important to have the right business vehicle insurance. While that can offer peace of mind, you should still do all that can be done to protect your business' cars from unsanctioned hands.

Optimise your business' security

Your best defence against thieves comes from securing the location where any vehicles will be stored. If you have off-street parking space for your cars, be sure to use it. If you have several vehicles and you're looking at new premises for a business, where the fleet will be parked should be a factor in the location decision.

Even if off-street space is available that can't be seen from the road, determined thieves might still see your business as a good opportunity. It may be worthwhile putting aside some of your operating budget to install new security measures, anything from an improved alarm system to a new gate, or even a garage.

Keep your vehicles empty

Nothing is going to entice a potential thief more than visible valuables in a car. Removing the temptation is simple - just make it clear there's nothing of value to be found. Empty the glove compartment and centre console, and leave them open when leaving your car unattended, so any prying eyes know they won't find anything in there.

If you have company vehicles, it's important to speak with your insurance agent today and make sure you have the most appropriate cover in place so you're protected if or when thieves strike.

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